Tuesday, 7 March 2017

The Privatised Transport CON

The following paragraph is a policy statement from the Labour party. find more at:- http://www.jeremyforlabour.com/policies

"Jeremy Corbyn has unveiled a transport strategy that will transform Britain’s public transport into an integrated, green, efficient and affordable system.
Britain’s public transport system is becoming a national embarrassment. Our railway network is now the most expensive in Europe – whilst taxpayers and passengers get a bad deal. Our bus services are facing cuts which threaten to leave low income and rural communities cut off, with too little local democratic municipal control.
Whether it’s buses or trains, the issue is the same. Transport is something which should be run as a public service for everyone’s benefit. Instead, we’re spending millions every year subsidising the profits of private companies, whilst all too often passengers are left frustrated as their local services are removed or not properly funded, fares keep going up, and staffing levels are cut."
But Privatisation has been proved to be more efficient, cry the opposition to this policy, it is the old unworkable idea.


If Privatisation is so efficient, how is it that in actual fact a Large proportion of the rail system is actually being run by the state, just not our state. Many of the companies running British Rail way companies are owned by Public Rail companies from other countries!

East Coast Rail, initially failed under private companies, It was taken back in to public ownership and started to run at a profit, so the Conservatives sold it off again!

No rail operator in the UK owns its own stock, they lease it, From the government. No rail operator owns the tracks that they run the trains on. Rail track do, and they are PUBLICLY owned, and subsidised by the government.

When the rail network was 'Privatised', the rail stock maintenance and manufacturing parts of the British rail  were not, and there were no orders for new stock. Result? Loss of jabs, loss of manufacturing expertise, and now our ageing stock has to be replaced from abroad, funnily enough from State owned Manufacturers in a lot of cases!

Now state owned and run companies in China, Japan, Germany, France, Holland, and other countries run our rail for us, whilst using the profits they gain to provide their own citizens with Faster, cleaner more efficient, and cheaper Rail networks than ours.

When you look for the truth behind the CONS, It makes sense to look to the alternative.

(Image if rail lines from Freedigitalphotos.net, by tiverylucky)

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